Our church offers a range of programmes
Regular Activities:
Youth Group for ages 11-18 meets fortnightly on Friday evenings (7-9pm) in 2025.
The BBC conversation group (Bible, bikkies & coffee) meets on Thursday at 10am for morning tea followed by guided study at 10:30am. Church lounge.
Weekly Thursday evening home group. Please talk to Nathan.
BB (Boys’ Brigade). 2024: BB is in hiaitus.
ICONZ is Boys Brigade for boys aged 4-8 and meets on Thursdays at St Hilda’s Anglican Church at 3.30pm.
Girls’ Brigade. Meets Thursdays at 6.30pm.
Band. Our brilliant band practises weekly on a Wednesday night at 7pm, and plays regularly in the Sunday morning service.
Community Work:
IBPC has a community development initiative called Tēpu mō Tātou – “Berhampore Open Table.” Our Community Minister and a team of us are committed to spending time with, becoming part of, and supporting the communities in our neighbouring social housing complexes.
We are involved with residents of the Rintoul Street, Newtown Park, and Hanson Court Flats. Tēpu mō Tātou means “table for all of us” and we provide and share meals every week. We also distribute Kaibosh food. We support people in the struggle with mental health issues and addiction, and generally support tenants and the Wellington City Council in building up the community life.
Alongside this we bring affordable fruit and vegetables to Berhampore and to the flats through the Berhampore Fruit and Vege Coop as a branch of the Eastern Suburbs Fruit and Vege Coop.