There are many ways to connect with us.. After Sunday service please stay for a brew of good coffee, or come along to one of our social events. We have barbecues, social art sessions, evening gatherings, camps, tramps, pamper and movie nights, gardening bees, prayer groups, and all the regular weekly activities.
Events: Lent, Easter, Matariki, All Saints Eve, Advent, Christmas.
Take the chance to meet community minister Bruce, who is great for a walk on the south coast, or a coffee more locally.
There’s always something newsy on our Facebook page.
Mission work in Myanmar, Vanuatu and India. As part of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa
New Zealand, we are partners with churches in these three countries. If you would like to help change lives where there is great need, there are a number of ways that you can be involved.
Volunteer: You can offer to serve with local churches in health, education, pastoral ministry, peace and justice or service projects.
Give: Donate to any of these global projects through our national church body and Global Mission Programme.
Or, you can donate to IBPC itself, or our local community development project by visiting our ‘Giving‘ page