Community Ministry

Tēpu Mō Tātou (Berhampore Open Table)

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The Tēpu Mō Tātou initiative emerged from the Island Bay Presbyterian Church. Our desire to undertake this work was born when we heard of a resident at the Granville Flats in Berhampore, only a ten minute walk from our own facility, passing away in his flat and not being found for two months.

We employ Bruce Hamill in a .5 FTE community worker role to support these vulnerable communities around Berhampore. We chose to focus on Wellington City Council social housing complexes (now run by Te Toi Mahana), where a lack of Government housing subsidies results in tenants with greater material needs.

The initial need we identified was food security and we connected with the Wellington Fruit and Vege Co-op and Kaibosh Food Rescue. We quickly came to realise, however, that there were greater requirements around the provision of mental health support and that to ensure those in the flats could flourish; the focus needed to be equally on whanaungatanga: i.e. community relationships, support and connection.

We began this work at the Granville Flats, Berhampore, in 2016. As Granville has now closed, we have since expanded to include Rintoul St Villas, Newtown Park Flats, and the Hanson St Flats. 579 tenants live in these apartments, with 111 being rangatahi and tamariki (age 0-20) and 181 tenants over the age of 60. 188 tenants do not have English as a first language; many are from a refugee background.

The Tēpu Mō Tātou Community

The Community Worker role promotes capacity among tenants themselves to advocate and work towards change according to their own priorities and skills. So far this has been centred around food security and sustainability initiatives.

The IBPC church community are very supportive of the work donating time and talents and help with things such as setting up an immigrant mums’ group, vocational training support, driving lessons, art projects, and a youth group (which has now come to an end). Other supporters from the wider community have also been drawn to this project, bringing more talents and resources to the kete, including help with setting up a fixery or running festivals and one-off events.

Facilitated by Bruce, Tēpu Mō Tātou is largely tenant-lead, but has room for all, as communities that might not usually interact, come together, offering support and whanaungatanga, and improving mental health outcomes for all.

If you would like to volunteer or be part of this initiative, contact Bruce on #027 275 6041

Who funds us?

With such a large pool of volunteers, Tēpu Mō Tātou is a very cost-effective initiative, connecting with a large number of some of the most marginalised people in our communities. IBPC covers admin and oversight, and all events happen in the flat community rooms or outdoor areas. This initiative however costs around $5,000 a month and funding can at times be a struggle.

All donations are gratefully received, and as we are a registered charity, donations are eligible for a tax rebate. If you would like to contribute, email the minister at and he will send you the bank account details.

Our work is currently made possible through funding from:

               Presbytery Central
               Wellington City Council
               Tindall Foundation
               The Justice and Compassion Trust
               The Island Bay Presbyterian Church
               Private donors


What do we do?

(You can find events at the Rintoul St Vilas on Facebook –

There are several regular weekly gatherings, promoting connectivity, support, fun, a chance to debrief and share life and ideas, and food security. If you seek information about any of these please contact Bruce.

Monday:             – Table tennis 10:30-noon, Rintoul Community Room (coaching available)
                            – Cuppa and a chat, 3-4pm, Newtown Park Community Room


Wednesday:       – Hanson Court Kaibosh pickup, 10am

Thursday:           – Newtown Park Kaibosh, 9am-noon
                            – We have a community lunch 11:30am-1pm. Soup is provided by volunteers (and is always needed…) along with bread from a Wellington bakery. Come for a hearty meal and good conversation! The location alternates each week between the Newtown Park and Rintoul community rooms.
                              – Fruit and Vege Co-op 3:15-6:15pm (see note below)


Saturday:            – Kaibosh food is distributed at the Rintoul St Villas, from 5pm

Sunday:               – For those in the flats who desire a Christian community but who may struggle to access church, Nourish is a non-denominational gathering that meets at Rintoul St every 2nd Sunday 5:30-7:30pm for prayer and reflection, followed by food.


The Berhampore Fruit and Vege Co-op

(Also to be found on Facebook at

Click here for a registration form…

Many years ago Tēpu Mō Tātou established a fresh food co-op in Berhampore in response to the fact that for many people both inside and outside of social housing, affording both transport to a market and the cost of produce, is challenging.

The Co-op happens every Thursday. The pick-up point is the Rintoul St Flats Community Room (263 Rintoul St) – 4-6pm. Please register first. Orders can also be made online (and pre-paid) by 5pm on the Thursday prior to Tuesday’s collection. Banking details are on the registration form.

The Berhampore co-op is a branch of the Eastern Suburbs Fruit and Vege Co-op based out of the Newtown Salvation Army,  a hub for a joint venture between Wesley Community Action, Regional Public Health and M.E. Transport Ltd.

Every so often the Co-op offers regular and free 8-week cooking courses (“Kai Confidence”). It is very popular! It aims to help those lacking confidence in cooking to be creative using the weekly order. Food is provided and everyone eats together afterwards.

If you would like to be involved with us through the week in any way, again please contact Bruce Hamill at 027 2756041.